Poorhouse Pies #Next Generation

On November 30th, 2021 it became official and they “passed the Pin” which marked the commencement of Poorhouse Pies #Next Generation.


Suzanne Tomlinson was born and raised in Vermont and after 20 years of running wild on the west coast, she decided it was time to return to her roots. In 2012, she purchased a home in Underhill, where she moved her large animal family and met her soon-to-be husband (aka contractor) Jon LeBlanc. As fate would have it, Jon grew up in his family’s bakery, Quality Bake Shop in Essex, and had designed and built many commercial kitchens. Jon’s father, Brian LeBlanc, was a career baker at IBM for 25 years, and both of his brothers own local bakeries. After working most of her life in the restaurant industry, Suzanne had returned to Mercy Connection’s Women’s Small Business program in 2017, to learn how to start and run a business. The combination of all this mashed-up experience and momentum created a group of food crazies who were the perfect team to build and run a new bakery for Poorhouse Pies.

But there was still something missing……we needed one more full-time baker.


In the beginning….